Below are Kyle's addresses. One is for letters, the other one for packages. This is for the mission home.
Elder Kyle Hal Rindlisbacher
Brazil Teresina Mission
Rua Tersandro Paz N° 2129, Salas 105-108
64001-380 Teresina-PI
Elder Kyle Hal Rindlisbacher
Brazil Teresina Mission
Rua Tersandro Paz, N° 2129, Salas 105-108
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The Sao Paulo temple
We didn't hear from Kyle yesterday...but this morning I received this letter and picture. I spent the morning in tears! What a joy to see him at the temple. I know he has expressed many times that he looks forward to attending the temple each p-day. I think he is in the middle of being transferred out into the field. My heart is full of joy (and a little anxiety) I miss him so much but I'm so grateful for the service he is rendering and the example he is setting!
We are pleased to be
able to send you a picture of your missionary´s recent visit to the temple. The
morning they enter as a group is a very sacred experience for them, and it is an
experience that is always anticipated with much excitement. We know they will
treasure this remembrance.
It is a great honor
to serve with each of these fine young people and to watch their growth as they
learn more about their sacred calling of a missionary. We have a great love and
respect for each one of them.
Thank you for your
support for them. They love to receive emails and letters from you, and feel of
your love. We know that your family will feel the blessings of their
President and Sister
Last weeks letter
This is last weeks letter. I was in New York when I received it, so this is the first chance I've had to get it up on the blog. We were a day late hearing from him...always a little stressful for Mom! In this letter he talks about his opportunity to go out into the streets of Sao Paulo and teach. It is so nice to hear his experiences. Enjoy!!
ok so before i get into story time a list of things I have compiled.
1. I need sleeping pills and a tide to go pen, and an ipod if you can
get it and load it with various church music but not the most
important thing. 2 Tell dad I wont be impressed with his piano playing
unless he can master Hino de Brasileiro. 3 I made another letter to
the house but it was for Emma I just didnt have her address....oops. 4
I bought myself a little treat for my birthday in the form of a soccer
jersey. Basically theres a store that sells cheap ones for like 25
reals but they are cheap and not real or anything. So I bought a real
one from a shoe store for 90 reals and its beautiful. i have pictures
of it that ill try to send home. 5 Tell uncle Jason that there is a
Taylor Winn here in the MTC with me that walks around with a massive
belt buckle on and claims to have won it with Jason and that he ropes
with Jason all the time. Kinda a small world like that. we talked for
a few hours swapping Jason stories on the bus to the temple. Hes a
funny kid, total redneck just like Jason. 6 My quad in Portuguese is
probably the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen. It isnt like the
english quads. It is hardbound and looks like a book from the Vatican
Archives. I started reading it again and its gone much easier. I made
it through 1 nefí chapter 4 in a few days so its coming along. Its
like my prized possession now. And i also bought a leather case for my
English quad. Theres this guy that had makes leather scripture cases
for quads and he puts your name mission or other things on it and then
you pick 2 pictures you want to put on it. So mine says Elder
Rindlisbacher and Teresina Brasil Missão on the side and I have a nice
picture of my friend Jesus on the front and Captain Moroni with the
Title of Liberty on the back. Pretty freakin sweet I know. 7 Somebody
look up the São Paulo soccer teams Corithians and Palmeiras and send
me info on them. You have to pick a side and me and Elder Ray picked
Corithians cuz all our first Brazilian friends loved them and they
have amazing black and gold jerseys, which i bought. But we cant
figure out which one is actually better cuz you ask one teams fan and
they tell you the other one just loves drugs and killing people so we
cant get straight answers so somebody wikipedia it and email it to me
so I can figure it out before I leave.
Ok now to story time. So yesterday we
were supposed to go to the temple in the morning and do all the
regular stuff we usually do. But our bus driver was retarded and got
lost in downtown São Paulo and then took us to the São Paulo
Temple....which is still closed so then we had to drive all the way
back to Campinas. To put that into perspective, The MTC is
conveniently located between the two temples but a little closer to
the São Paulo temple. so basically we drove south to that temple and
then had to backtrack to the Campinas Temple. so basically it took way
longer than usual and we didnt get back til 3:15 giving us an hour to
go out and do stuff and I had to do stuff in the city so we opted to
Email today which is against the rules but its not our fault our bus
driver is retarded.
now to the really cool stuff. Proselyting. So me and Lambert are
heading out and we had sweet talked sister Steadman into giving us 6
extra Book of Mormons so we had a total of 10, we only passed out 7.
But we get up to this park at the edge of our boundaries and we were
both scared to talk to people so the first guy we saw sitting down we
went over and started talking to him and it turns out he already has a
Book so I told him to read it more cuz he wasnt really then we talked
about soccer cuz we like the same team (Corithians). And so we started
walking away when this guy in a truck called us over and asked us
about the church. He was on the passenger side and he was super
interested, like zoned in listening to everything we were saying. but
the guy on the drivers side wasnt really paying all that much
attention and was disinterested. so We started talking to him and
Lambert was talking and I noticed the driver was starting to listen
and pay attention. So Lambert gave the one guy a book and I asked the
driver if you wanted one too and he was like super excited about it
and when I walked over and gave it to him he shook my hand and looked
me in the eyes sincerely thanked me, it was fantastic. But that one
wasnt even my favorite. We left the park and wandered for a little bit
and talked to some more people. Its a crazy feeling theres like people
you walk by and you dont really notice them and then theres people
that you see across the street and youre like I have to talk to them.
Its kinda like Eagle Vision in Assassins Creed. But we were wandering
around but talking to poeple that are walking is really hard and not
very successful so we started back to the park and we ran into 2
women, one was catholic the other one was Evangelical and I was
talking to the Catholic and she wanted nothing to do with it but the
other girl took it but that was my first rejection. So we get back to
the park and we talk to this one dude and I took point on this one and
at first he was kinda hesitant about the whole thing but he took it
and I asked him if he had any questions and his question was super
long and neither of us knew how to answer it which destroyed my soul
cuz he seemed interested. But then we go talk to this other guy that
had two dogs and he shot down the book and acted like we were
bothering him. So I struck up a 10 minute conversation with him about
his dogs, which were beautiful, and it was weird hearing him talk to
his dogs in Portuguese. Like obviously they talk to them in Portuguese
but like I had never thought about it. But my favorite guy was Manuel.
He looked like Morgan Freeman which is awesome. But he was sitting on
a table by himself listening to music and I walked over and started
talking to him about the church and stuff and he was super cool about
it and really receptive. So i left him a book and made him promise me
he would read twice, and he promised. And we left and I didnt think
that much of it until sister Fullmer came up to me later and was like
do you remember the black guy you were talking to in the park, he was
intently reading the book of mormon like an hour after you guys left
which was like the coolest thing to hear. You usually dont get alot of
success doing these things and you dont follow up with the people you
meet, if abnything comes from it it goes to the São Paulo North
missionaries. But it was still super cool hearing about it afterwards
and still think that I could have made a difference in a persons life.
On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 12:43 AM, Jami Rindlisbacher
<> wrote:
> Elder Kyle,
> I hope all is well. I didn't hear from you today. I know they changed
> things up a little since you went teaching out into Sao Paulo on
> Monday...maybe this messed things up for p-day? Anyway...I look forward to
> hearing from you. You are in my prayers.> Love-Mom
ok so before i get into story time a list of things I have compiled.
1. I need sleeping pills and a tide to go pen, and an ipod if you can
get it and load it with various church music but not the most
important thing. 2 Tell dad I wont be impressed with his piano playing
unless he can master Hino de Brasileiro. 3 I made another letter to
the house but it was for Emma I just didnt have her address....oops. 4
I bought myself a little treat for my birthday in the form of a soccer
jersey. Basically theres a store that sells cheap ones for like 25
reals but they are cheap and not real or anything. So I bought a real
one from a shoe store for 90 reals and its beautiful. i have pictures
of it that ill try to send home. 5 Tell uncle Jason that there is a
Taylor Winn here in the MTC with me that walks around with a massive
belt buckle on and claims to have won it with Jason and that he ropes
with Jason all the time. Kinda a small world like that. we talked for
a few hours swapping Jason stories on the bus to the temple. Hes a
funny kid, total redneck just like Jason. 6 My quad in Portuguese is
probably the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen. It isnt like the
english quads. It is hardbound and looks like a book from the Vatican
Archives. I started reading it again and its gone much easier. I made
it through 1 nefí chapter 4 in a few days so its coming along. Its
like my prized possession now. And i also bought a leather case for my
English quad. Theres this guy that had makes leather scripture cases
for quads and he puts your name mission or other things on it and then
you pick 2 pictures you want to put on it. So mine says Elder
Rindlisbacher and Teresina Brasil Missão on the side and I have a nice
picture of my friend Jesus on the front and Captain Moroni with the
Title of Liberty on the back. Pretty freakin sweet I know. 7 Somebody
look up the São Paulo soccer teams Corithians and Palmeiras and send
me info on them. You have to pick a side and me and Elder Ray picked
Corithians cuz all our first Brazilian friends loved them and they
have amazing black and gold jerseys, which i bought. But we cant
figure out which one is actually better cuz you ask one teams fan and
they tell you the other one just loves drugs and killing people so we
cant get straight answers so somebody wikipedia it and email it to me
so I can figure it out before I leave.
Ok now to story time. So yesterday we
were supposed to go to the temple in the morning and do all the
regular stuff we usually do. But our bus driver was retarded and got
lost in downtown São Paulo and then took us to the São Paulo
Temple....which is still closed so then we had to drive all the way
back to Campinas. To put that into perspective, The MTC is
conveniently located between the two temples but a little closer to
the São Paulo temple. so basically we drove south to that temple and
then had to backtrack to the Campinas Temple. so basically it took way
longer than usual and we didnt get back til 3:15 giving us an hour to
go out and do stuff and I had to do stuff in the city so we opted to
Email today which is against the rules but its not our fault our bus
driver is retarded.
now to the really cool stuff. Proselyting. So me and Lambert are
heading out and we had sweet talked sister Steadman into giving us 6
extra Book of Mormons so we had a total of 10, we only passed out 7.
But we get up to this park at the edge of our boundaries and we were
both scared to talk to people so the first guy we saw sitting down we
went over and started talking to him and it turns out he already has a
Book so I told him to read it more cuz he wasnt really then we talked
about soccer cuz we like the same team (Corithians). And so we started
walking away when this guy in a truck called us over and asked us
about the church. He was on the passenger side and he was super
interested, like zoned in listening to everything we were saying. but
the guy on the drivers side wasnt really paying all that much
attention and was disinterested. so We started talking to him and
Lambert was talking and I noticed the driver was starting to listen
and pay attention. So Lambert gave the one guy a book and I asked the
driver if you wanted one too and he was like super excited about it
and when I walked over and gave it to him he shook my hand and looked
me in the eyes sincerely thanked me, it was fantastic. But that one
wasnt even my favorite. We left the park and wandered for a little bit
and talked to some more people. Its a crazy feeling theres like people
you walk by and you dont really notice them and then theres people
that you see across the street and youre like I have to talk to them.
Its kinda like Eagle Vision in Assassins Creed. But we were wandering
around but talking to poeple that are walking is really hard and not
very successful so we started back to the park and we ran into 2
women, one was catholic the other one was Evangelical and I was
talking to the Catholic and she wanted nothing to do with it but the
other girl took it but that was my first rejection. So we get back to
the park and we talk to this one dude and I took point on this one and
at first he was kinda hesitant about the whole thing but he took it
and I asked him if he had any questions and his question was super
long and neither of us knew how to answer it which destroyed my soul
cuz he seemed interested. But then we go talk to this other guy that
had two dogs and he shot down the book and acted like we were
bothering him. So I struck up a 10 minute conversation with him about
his dogs, which were beautiful, and it was weird hearing him talk to
his dogs in Portuguese. Like obviously they talk to them in Portuguese
but like I had never thought about it. But my favorite guy was Manuel.
He looked like Morgan Freeman which is awesome. But he was sitting on
a table by himself listening to music and I walked over and started
talking to him about the church and stuff and he was super cool about
it and really receptive. So i left him a book and made him promise me
he would read twice, and he promised. And we left and I didnt think
that much of it until sister Fullmer came up to me later and was like
do you remember the black guy you were talking to in the park, he was
intently reading the book of mormon like an hour after you guys left
which was like the coolest thing to hear. You usually dont get alot of
success doing these things and you dont follow up with the people you
meet, if abnything comes from it it goes to the São Paulo North
missionaries. But it was still super cool hearing about it afterwards
and still think that I could have made a difference in a persons life.
On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 12:43 AM, Jami Rindlisbacher
<> wrote:
> Elder Kyle,
> I hope all is well. I didn't hear from you today. I know they changed
> things up a little since you went teaching out into Sao Paulo on
> Monday...maybe this messed things up for p-day? Anyway...I look forward to
> hearing from you. You are in my prayers.> Love-Mom
Friday, March 16, 2012
It took me a while...but below are a few of the pictures we have received so far:
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Provo Temple |
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Kyle & his district decided to "Tebow" everything! |
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More Tebowing! |
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These were all taken when he was in Provo MTC for those 2 short weeks |
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From here on out...these are all in the Brazil MTC |
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Kyle says the hardest thing is that the Brazilian Elders leave every 3 weeks. He just grows to love | them and they leave! |
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Kyle already has a soccer jersey! |
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Even the Brazilians are "Tebowing!" |
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Elder Goes & Elder Morreira |
We were able to line up pizza delivery for Kyle's birthday...his district was so happy! |
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Brazil CTM latest update
Below is Kyle's latest email. Soon he will be out in the field...I can't believe it!
I havent got any letters from you guys yet. I got the one from Grandpa
and Grandma but thats it so far. It will probably come tonight. I
would start sending things to my mission home now though. Its crazy to
thing Ill be in the field in 2 weeks. Next week we get to proselyte
which is gonna be awesome. Basically they just drop us off in Downtown
São Paulo for a few hours with a couple Book of Mormons and we go to
work. It should be alot of fun and could get interesting. Tell Dad that
he won the little whats gonna piss Kyle off more contest....I cant
stand Elder Lambert. And it kept piling on and it effected our
teaching so I was working on it and it got a lot better until last
night. We were doing a teaching exercise where we were trying to find
out our investigators problem by asking questions. And our
investigator said he wasnt reading the Book of Mormon cuz he didnt
have time which is code for I dont know how to read. So I asked him if
he could read and Elder Lambert slapped my hand away and got in my
face about asking "stupid questions". Had our teacher not been in the
room I would have punched him. I was working really hard on dealing
with his little things that bothered me cuz we still have 2 weeks
together, and then he did that. So he got to teach the next 3
investigators without my help. I didnt say a word or anything. Its
frustrating. God knows I cant function with people like him. Oh and I
got an email from my mission president....all in portuguese. I guess
he also has a sick sense of humor. Thank you all for the birthday
wishes, it really didnt feel any different at all. Except my teacher
Irma Pozete brought me a cake. Shes awesome, it was a really nice
suprise. But today was a bittersweet day. My Brazlian roommates left
again :( they were awesome and it felt like they got here last week.
Thats what sucks about being here 9 weeks. is every 3 weeks we get new
Brazilians so we love the ones we have then they leave and we get new
ones then they leave. It hurts my soul. But we got to go to the
Campinas Temple today. That was really cool cuz usually they never go
to that temple cuz its farther away. But the São Paulo temple was
closed today. It was awesome I got some really good pictures Ill send
you guys for your viewing pleasure. Its always nice to go hang out in
the temple. Unfortunately there isnt a temple anywhere close to
Teresina. Of course not. But other than that its pretty much the same
here. just hanging out in the MTC. My portuguese has gotten alot
better. I can now speak in the past tense instead of sounding retarded
speaking only in the present tense and I can use a little bit of the
future tense. But the language is tough, it definately stresses me out
knowing that I leave in 2 weeks and I cant really speak Portuguese. It
should be interesting seeing how that goes. But I love you guys next
Monday ill be out in São Paulo preaching. Byeeeee
I havent got any letters from you guys yet. I got the one from Grandpa
and Grandma but thats it so far. It will probably come tonight. I
would start sending things to my mission home now though. Its crazy to
thing Ill be in the field in 2 weeks. Next week we get to proselyte
which is gonna be awesome. Basically they just drop us off in Downtown
São Paulo for a few hours with a couple Book of Mormons and we go to
work. It should be alot of fun and could get interesting. Tell Dad that
he won the little whats gonna piss Kyle off more contest....I cant
stand Elder Lambert. And it kept piling on and it effected our
teaching so I was working on it and it got a lot better until last
night. We were doing a teaching exercise where we were trying to find
out our investigators problem by asking questions. And our
investigator said he wasnt reading the Book of Mormon cuz he didnt
have time which is code for I dont know how to read. So I asked him if
he could read and Elder Lambert slapped my hand away and got in my
face about asking "stupid questions". Had our teacher not been in the
room I would have punched him. I was working really hard on dealing
with his little things that bothered me cuz we still have 2 weeks
together, and then he did that. So he got to teach the next 3
investigators without my help. I didnt say a word or anything. Its
frustrating. God knows I cant function with people like him. Oh and I
got an email from my mission president....all in portuguese. I guess
he also has a sick sense of humor. Thank you all for the birthday
wishes, it really didnt feel any different at all. Except my teacher
Irma Pozete brought me a cake. Shes awesome, it was a really nice
suprise. But today was a bittersweet day. My Brazlian roommates left
again :( they were awesome and it felt like they got here last week.
Thats what sucks about being here 9 weeks. is every 3 weeks we get new
Brazilians so we love the ones we have then they leave and we get new
ones then they leave. It hurts my soul. But we got to go to the
Campinas Temple today. That was really cool cuz usually they never go
to that temple cuz its farther away. But the São Paulo temple was
closed today. It was awesome I got some really good pictures Ill send
you guys for your viewing pleasure. Its always nice to go hang out in
the temple. Unfortunately there isnt a temple anywhere close to
Teresina. Of course not. But other than that its pretty much the same
here. just hanging out in the MTC. My portuguese has gotten alot
better. I can now speak in the past tense instead of sounding retarded
speaking only in the present tense and I can use a little bit of the
future tense. But the language is tough, it definately stresses me out
knowing that I leave in 2 weeks and I cant really speak Portuguese. It
should be interesting seeing how that goes. But I love you guys next
Monday ill be out in São Paulo preaching. Byeeeee
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Kyle's Birthday week
Here is Kyle's latest email from Brazil. His birthday is this coming Saturday on the 10th. If you scroll down farther and read my email to him first, then his email will make more sense. It is good to hear how well he is doing...and a little humbling to hear how difficult it has been at times! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON!
(oh yeah...when you read about the pictures that were sent to me, I'm still trying to figure out how to upload them to my computer and get them added to the blog. Stay tuned...they will be here soon :)
Idk if you already submitted my mission scripture yet but if you still
can change it to Ether 12:4 thats my fav for sure. I havent gotten the
package of letters yet, it will probably be here by the end of the
week. Tell Nathan his present is on its way, I shipped it last week so
it should be there rather soonish. and yes we do get to do sessions
and its awesome, we look forward to it everyweek. But no its in
English cuz its 95% English speaking missionaries (the Brazilians get
a different P-day) but today I got a headset and did it in Portuguese
and I didnt catch all of it but I got roughly 82% of it. It was really
cool hearing it and kind of understanding it in a different language.
Tell the Sniders that Im so happy for them. Ive thought alot about
them and im glad everything went well. But ask Brandy why she couldnt
have waited 8 days! And yeah the lady at Mr. Cheneys is awesome. A guy
in my districts Mom ordered a Pizza party for today too so now we have
a ton of pizza, we are so stoked. weve been looking forward to it all
week. My district hates you cuz you bought me pizza and a quad and
their moms dont. You are the best Mommy, seriously. I love you. Its a
lot easier knowing that you are doing this stuff for me when I havent
asked for any of it. It really does help, especially during those
tough times. but that lady is so funny, she always talks to me when I
go in and she does pronounce it funny but much better than everybody
else. My favorite is Irmão Romeu cant say sheet. it sounds like the S
word, so he was telling us a story about how for halloween he put a
sheet on his head to be a ghost.....but it came out way more funny. We
were laughing so hard it was hilarious.
I will try to explain some of the pictures.
the 2 guys that are holding me are Elder Goes and Elder
Morreira. Elder Goes is the one that doesnt speak English but is the
man. And Elder Morreira is the big black guy. honestly one of the
funniest guys ever. He told everybody we were twin brothers and it was
funny I miss those guys. Its been tough tho. Portuguese is such a dumb
language, I hate it so much. all the tenses of the verbs are hard for
example I speak is Eu Falo but I spoke is either Eu falei or falava
depending on the situation. basically theres like 10 different tenses
for each verbs. And dont get me started on the irregular verbs.
Ive been talking to Elder Dille, hes the doctor here serving a medical
mission with his wife and also the 2nd counselor in my ward, but the
day after I got here I went and talked to him and asked him if I could
go home cuz I didnt want to be here anymore. He told me I had to wait
until sunday to talk to my Bishop who was out because of surgery or
something. So I waited around til Sunday and then grew a pair and just
stayed. He gave me my midway interview on sunday and told me how proud
he was of me and all this stuff it was really neat hes a nice guy. But
yeah it gets hard but I know its only going to be hard for a little
bit and that the language will come in time. The language is the only
thing that Ive really struggled with. alright well im out of time so
ill talk to you guys next week, love you guys, send the Sniders my
love. byeeeeee
On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 12:01 AM, Jami Rindlisbacher
<> wrote:
> Elder Kyle,
> First of all the Sniders had their baby. On March 2nd, Hudson David Snider
> was born at 6:45pm. He weighed 8lbs 7oz and was 20 inches long. Baby and
> Mom are doing great. Brandy was cute. She had me on the list of people to
> text. I think she wanted to make sure you found out as quickly as
> possible. She did read your letter last week and I know she felt terrible
> about your vans. She thought you sounded well adjusted and was glad for
> that.
> Happy Birthday this week! 20 years ago was one of the happiest days of my
> life. I can't imagine my life without you! You are an amazing person with
> a fantastic personality. You will accomplish great things in your life
> because of the person you are!
> I got a phone call this week from Brazil. It scared me for a minute until I
> realized who it was. It was the cute little lady from Mr. Cheney's
> cookies. She wanted to check on which color to bind your scriptures in.
> She says they usually take 2-3 weeks, but because it was your birthday she
> wanted to get them done in time to give you this week. She claims it is a
> local guy that binds them together. I think that is really cool that they
> are so authentic...bound together in Brazil. She says that she loves when
> you come into the store. You laugh at the way she pronounces your name.
> She says she can tell you are going to be a good missionary because of your
> good attitude and kind heart. She also told me that she would take pictures
> of you when the pizza's are delivered and then she would email them to me.
> It was such an exciting day for me to talk with someone on the phone that is
> contact with you each week. One of those exciting things for a missionary
> Mom. When I told Joyce about it, she was so mad. She said she was never
> able to send pizza to her son in Uruguay and no one uploaded pictures and
> sent them to her. She was soooo jealous!!
> I got the pictures emailed to me. It was so fun to see Brazil and see you
> in your element. You look so good!! I wish there was a note with each
> picture telling me about the different people and the events that you are
> sharing with them. The temple there is beautiful. Do you actually do a
> session on p-day like you did in Provo? Is it in Portuguese? Maybe right
> before you leave into the field we can have them upload any additional
> photos to me. I'm sure the lady at Mr. Cheney's would do it. I would
> happily pay for it again.
> I miss you tons!! Please know that you are in my thoughts always...and you
> will definitely be in my heart on the 10th. I'm proud of you and where you
> are and what you are doing. Keep up the good work!
> Love-Mom
(oh yeah...when you read about the pictures that were sent to me, I'm still trying to figure out how to upload them to my computer and get them added to the blog. Stay tuned...they will be here soon :)
Idk if you already submitted my mission scripture yet but if you still
can change it to Ether 12:4 thats my fav for sure. I havent gotten the
package of letters yet, it will probably be here by the end of the
week. Tell Nathan his present is on its way, I shipped it last week so
it should be there rather soonish. and yes we do get to do sessions
and its awesome, we look forward to it everyweek. But no its in
English cuz its 95% English speaking missionaries (the Brazilians get
a different P-day) but today I got a headset and did it in Portuguese
and I didnt catch all of it but I got roughly 82% of it. It was really
cool hearing it and kind of understanding it in a different language.
Tell the Sniders that Im so happy for them. Ive thought alot about
them and im glad everything went well. But ask Brandy why she couldnt
have waited 8 days! And yeah the lady at Mr. Cheneys is awesome. A guy
in my districts Mom ordered a Pizza party for today too so now we have
a ton of pizza, we are so stoked. weve been looking forward to it all
week. My district hates you cuz you bought me pizza and a quad and
their moms dont. You are the best Mommy, seriously. I love you. Its a
lot easier knowing that you are doing this stuff for me when I havent
asked for any of it. It really does help, especially during those
tough times. but that lady is so funny, she always talks to me when I
go in and she does pronounce it funny but much better than everybody
else. My favorite is Irmão Romeu cant say sheet. it sounds like the S
word, so he was telling us a story about how for halloween he put a
sheet on his head to be a ghost.....but it came out way more funny. We
were laughing so hard it was hilarious.
I will try to explain some of the pictures.
the 2 guys that are holding me are Elder Goes and Elder
Morreira. Elder Goes is the one that doesnt speak English but is the
man. And Elder Morreira is the big black guy. honestly one of the
funniest guys ever. He told everybody we were twin brothers and it was
funny I miss those guys. Its been tough tho. Portuguese is such a dumb
language, I hate it so much. all the tenses of the verbs are hard for
example I speak is Eu Falo but I spoke is either Eu falei or falava
depending on the situation. basically theres like 10 different tenses
for each verbs. And dont get me started on the irregular verbs.
Ive been talking to Elder Dille, hes the doctor here serving a medical
mission with his wife and also the 2nd counselor in my ward, but the
day after I got here I went and talked to him and asked him if I could
go home cuz I didnt want to be here anymore. He told me I had to wait
until sunday to talk to my Bishop who was out because of surgery or
something. So I waited around til Sunday and then grew a pair and just
stayed. He gave me my midway interview on sunday and told me how proud
he was of me and all this stuff it was really neat hes a nice guy. But
yeah it gets hard but I know its only going to be hard for a little
bit and that the language will come in time. The language is the only
thing that Ive really struggled with. alright well im out of time so
ill talk to you guys next week, love you guys, send the Sniders my
love. byeeeeee
On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 12:01 AM, Jami Rindlisbacher
<> wrote:
> Elder Kyle,
> First of all the Sniders had their baby. On March 2nd, Hudson David Snider
> was born at 6:45pm. He weighed 8lbs 7oz and was 20 inches long. Baby and
> Mom are doing great. Brandy was cute. She had me on the list of people to
> text. I think she wanted to make sure you found out as quickly as
> possible. She did read your letter last week and I know she felt terrible
> about your vans. She thought you sounded well adjusted and was glad for
> that.
> Happy Birthday this week! 20 years ago was one of the happiest days of my
> life. I can't imagine my life without you! You are an amazing person with
> a fantastic personality. You will accomplish great things in your life
> because of the person you are!
> I got a phone call this week from Brazil. It scared me for a minute until I
> realized who it was. It was the cute little lady from Mr. Cheney's
> cookies. She wanted to check on which color to bind your scriptures in.
> She says they usually take 2-3 weeks, but because it was your birthday she
> wanted to get them done in time to give you this week. She claims it is a
> local guy that binds them together. I think that is really cool that they
> are so authentic...bound together in Brazil. She says that she loves when
> you come into the store. You laugh at the way she pronounces your name.
> She says she can tell you are going to be a good missionary because of your
> good attitude and kind heart. She also told me that she would take pictures
> of you when the pizza's are delivered and then she would email them to me.
> It was such an exciting day for me to talk with someone on the phone that is
> contact with you each week. One of those exciting things for a missionary
> Mom. When I told Joyce about it, she was so mad. She said she was never
> able to send pizza to her son in Uruguay and no one uploaded pictures and
> sent them to her. She was soooo jealous!!
> I got the pictures emailed to me. It was so fun to see Brazil and see you
> in your element. You look so good!! I wish there was a note with each
> picture telling me about the different people and the events that you are
> sharing with them. The temple there is beautiful. Do you actually do a
> session on p-day like you did in Provo? Is it in Portuguese? Maybe right
> before you leave into the field we can have them upload any additional
> photos to me. I'm sure the lady at Mr. Cheney's would do it. I would
> happily pay for it again.
> I miss you tons!! Please know that you are in my thoughts always...and you
> will definitely be in my heart on the 10th. I'm proud of you and where you
> are and what you are doing. Keep up the good work!
> Love-Mom
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